Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lost Minutes

I wish I could count the minutes every day spent looking for specific toys that are necessary for bathing or sleeping or whatever activity is taking place at the moment. "Mom, I wanted the Woody with his hand up" - Silly me, it wasn't any of the 14 Woody's that we own and were in open sight. It was the one that was behind the couch because he was trying to keep it from his brother. What was I thinking?

This week I had to explain the rental movie concept. Needless to say, it was a complete failure. "I WANT YOGI BEAR!" In their defense, they had it yesterday and now Daddy took it to work. I'm sure they were thinking "WTF" in toddler thought (I haven't dropped that many f-bombs in front of them that they know that yet). That was a good 10 minutes lost there, not counting the minutes it took to download the movie from ITunes because I couldn't bear my own explaining any longer.

Explanations in general don't go well. I think, Hey they're 3 now - they should be able to rationalize. I mean, they are smart enough to hide a toy from their brother and smart enough to delay bedtime indefinately...surely they can understand that screaming at me won't get the desired outcome. I tried explaining to Peyton that screaming and slamming Mr. Potato Head when his eyes wouldn't go on didn't really solve anything. His response was 'I ike it' - that's how I feel sometimes too. I have to say I remember launching a Simon across the room when I was little. I mean who can remember past 15 beeps...seriously...that game is so rigged...I digress.

There was 120 minutes I lost a couple of weekends ago. Peyton wanted to see Rapunzel. I tried to talk him out of it but he would not be deterred. 120 minutes lost, but I got this..

Then there are those minutes that are lost all too quickly. "Mom, I love your beautiful hair.." I treasure every one of those minutes even though I can feel the pain down to my toes from him pulling my hair out by the roots. The unsolicited "I love you's" and the times when they play together and let their imaginations soar. Those are the lost minutes that really count and that I will remember fondly.